
Into The Groove Workshop

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with Charlotte & Joseph - 28. & 29. September 2024

REGISTRATION IS OPEN - limited spots



Saturday, 28. September - Sunday, 29. September 2024



11:00 - 13:00 Learn an easy & fun routine
and perform it at the party (groups together)

14:30 - 16:30 Lindy Hop Group B #1

19:00 party with the Downtown Swingster and Charlotte & Joseph
21:00 Mini Showcase Challenge (more info below)


11:00 - 13:00 Solo Jazz Group B #1
11:00 - 13:00 Solo Jazz Group B #2
14:30 - 16:30 Lindy Hop Group B #2

17:00 - 18:00 History Class - free for all workshop participants


Level description

Group B

You dance about 2 years of Lindy Hop or more, you go regularly out to social dance and you maybe already visited some international Lindy Hop events. You are comfortable to combine all the things you learnt so far in classes/workshops. You already had some solo classes, you already know some jazz routines, like Shim Sham, Tranky Doo or Big Apple...

Workshop Place:

SwingAUT Studio
Eßlinggasse 9 / Top3,
1010 Wien


Party: Saturday, 28. September 2024, 7pm
THE DOWNTOWN SWINGSTERS + DJ Karamello + Mini Showcase Competition |
@ SwingAUT Studio - Eßlinggasse 9, 1010 Wien |
we ask for a donation for musicians, thank you


Prepare a choreography with a partner or team and showcase it!
Mini Showcase, because the routine should be around 30 seconds and 1 minute 🙂

2 hours
4 hours
Each extra Track (if you already booked two)
2 hours


Charlotte & Joseph

Charlotte & Joseph are currently two of the UK’s busiest dance teachers of
African American dances such as the Lindy Hop, 20’s Charleston, Cake Walk,
Blues and Authentic Jazz. They are inspiring people with their fun, high energy classes.
Having learnt from, inspired by and worked with some of the 1930’s elders such as Frankie Manning, Norma Miller and many early teachers of the Lindy Hop, they specialise in retaining the authenticity with lots of original moves, but with a modern, technical, historical, informative and a fun singing twist. You leave their classes, feeling excited like you’ve just seen an action movie.
For almost 30 years they’ve taught and performed in almost 30 countries
throughout Europe, USA, ASIA and Africa for Swing Dance Events.
They also run a dance school JiveSwing.Com, which has choreographed and
appeared on a number of National TV, Radio programmes and Music Videos,
TV Adverts.

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